
Between The Lines Out Of Blue

A twisted tale of reflection       falling out of the sky

The myth of Inanna                   descending to the underworld 

But now it turns out                   that it's Odin he loves the best

I won't tell you               where the place is

The first time                 it happened I was ten

As we grew up               I have done my best to put together

You're constantly           coming up against what isn't you

The forms of folklore              poetry mythology

There is a common tone        that runs through the tune


Alerting the readers               to the variety of devices

And sings the tune                 without the words

However they are most often             either three or seven

There's an element of circularity          and marketing your manuscript

Not in the way                                           she would ever imagined


Stand up and walk away                          It comes down to the two points 

Between my finger and my thumb        and no more than twenty words

What happened is that                             I did nothing about the language

The sketch is written                                on the primary mode

Things fall out                                        from the red cliff of the mountain

Just a couple of things                          to consider before echoes

Or craft to go along                                with the poem song so raw

How did we find                         everything old is new again

My first encounter with            somewhat like this one but also different

Every now and then                   find out yourself

What the hell                       am I doing here

And so are you                     before a fire was in my head

There's always a bit              of truth in every legend

That is why the story            will be so hard to tell

How the plant was                 given to the people

There's no such things like                  reality and fantasy                   

Out of time out of blue                          blur into each other

Between the lines you know what       the cheeky angels are hanging out

'See. I told you.'    lol
